Contemporary Architect Villa, Saint-Tropez

A luxury villa with sea view over the Gulf of Saint-Tropez

In 2025, the architectural agency Vielliard and Francheteau have started a construction on a prestigious contemporary villa overlooking the regowned Gulf of Saint-Tropez. The construction is located in the neighbering commune of Grimaud, this home offers a unique panoramic view of the sea.

To highlight the idyllic setting, the architects are envisioning a design that is largely open, with large windows for a complete immersion in the landscape. The project elegantly, combines glass, local stone, and lime plaster to create a modern and refined architectural style, staying true to the minimalist aesthetic of the agency.

bedroom with sea view saint-tropez
luxury bathroom with sea view

A breathtaking view of the bay of Saint Tropez

A spacious terracee extends the living spaces to an infinity pool with stone tiles, perfectly reflecting the sea and the bay of St-Tropez. Inside, the timeless decor is tailored to the clients’ needs who are secking a functional and welcoming summer villa. The home features expensive, comfortable spaces, durable materials, and high-end furnitures designed for relaxing and convivial entertaining.

With this exceptional and luxurious project, the two architects continue their commitment to a sophisticated contemporary architecture and to a clientele in love with the Gulf of St-Tropez.

living room with sea view Saint-Tropez

A symbiosis between architecture and nature

Architects Thomas Vielliard and Jacques Francheteau share: “Our homes represent a perfect symbiosis between architecture and nature. With hanging planters, panoramic terraces, and breathtaking views, nature is always within reach. Live in harmony with your suroundings, in a space where the interior and exterior flow together seamlessly”.

If you’re looking to build a contemporary architect-designed villa in Saint-Tropez or renovate a nearby house in the South of France, we invite you to contact the Vielliard & Francheteau agency, which will put its expertise in luxury at the service of your project. Our teams will be happy to tell you more about the scope of our services, which also include interior design and custom decoration.

Living room with sea view on golfe de Saint-Tropez
luxury house with sea view over the bay of Saint-Tropez


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