Luxury Home Cinema

The luxury of a customized home cinema room in a private home

As the flagship piece of Vielliard & Francheteau’s Luxury Living Concepts, the home cinema is a sought-after comfort feature in any villa construction or home renovation project we undertake.

Luxury home cinema architects Vielliard Francheteau

Our expertise in luxury home cinema design

Designing a luxury home cinema requires a thorough knowledge of the skills and best brands specializing in image, sound, acoustics and comfort. The role of our interior designers is to conceive the design and standing of this exceptional space, by combining and integrating the engineering of these specialists.

Our agency has developed expertise in custom-designing contemporary home cinemas, where aesthetics and comfort go hand in hand with the virtuosity of incorporating the latest technologies in giant screens, high-definition images, surround sound and acoustics. Materials and coverings are carefully selected by our interior designers to create an ambience conducive to relaxation and well-being.

Luxury home cinema architects Vielliard Francheteau

In houses at Cap d’Antibes or Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat, our team has delivered private cinemas offering an exceptional immersive cinematic experience. The luxury private home cinema is one of the key pieces of the spectacular “Luxury Living Concepts” spaces created by architects Vielliard & Francheteau. A French Art of Living dedicated to aesthetes and passionate personalities which also includes:


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    Interior design and decoration luxury house in Mougins Architects Vielliard Francheteau

    Interior Decoration Luxury House, Mougins

    This high-end contemporary interior design was conceived for a modern villa in Mougins, on the Côte d'Azur.
    Architect contemporary house over Lake Leman in Thonon Vielliard Francheteau

    Modern Luxury Home over Lake Leman, Thonon-les-Bains

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